Friday, July 10, 2009

另类的理论 - Special Thesis

From 粉红小姐的Blog...

Chapter 2 : Literature Review

2.1.1 Dependent Variable : 爱
Definition :
i. 对人或事物有深厚真挚的感情
ii. 想拥有,想霸占,想娶或想嫁,希望自己能给他幸福,他快乐你就快乐,他心痛你就心痛,心干情愿的为他付出
iii. 喜欢到一定的份了,有点牵肠挂肚,是那种刚说再见就想见面的缠绵,情不自禁的在脑海里出现的那个人,让你想了后偷着笑偷着哭的那个人,你心甘情愿为他的乐而乐,千方百计让他开心的那种感受

2.1.2 Independent Variable : 欣赏
Definition :
ii. 如果某一事物值得你去欣赏或者某一事物在你不经意中已经不自觉得吸引了你,这个过程的内涵就是欣赏的内涵。另一方面是在你主动或被动欣赏某一事物时,这一事物的特性肯定和你某些方面的特性有发生共鸣的地方。这也就是说“欣赏”一词是相互的,而不是独立的,欣赏品位的高低,不取决于某一事物而取决于你自身的品位
iii. 欣赏只是单纯的 比较看好着个人 感觉比较适合自己

2.1.3 Mediating Variable : 喜欢
Definition :
i. 喜爱
ii. 希望他开心,愿意为他做事,愿意跟他一起,但是不能为他付出
iii. 比崇拜和欣赏来得熟悉些,双方的了解和交往比崇拜和欣赏来得直接些
iv. 喜欢一个人是在深夜看书时突然想起他,想象他现在做什么,心里漾起一阵轻飘飘的温暖,却从不主动给他打电话

2.3 Proposed Theoritical Framework

2.4 Hypotheses Development

H1 : 欣赏会变成喜欢
H2 : 喜欢会变成爱

This thesis topic had been done by 粉红小姐, 猪灵, 脆脆....
We conclude that :
i. 欣赏,是喜欢的基础;喜欢,是欣赏的升华
ii. 喜欢是爱的前沿,更是爱的基础
iii. 爱是一种境界,一种甘愿为对方的无私,一份真诚守护的心,心中满满都被你爱着的人占据着. 喜欢就远远达不到这个层次. 爱是不太任何附加条件的,可是喜欢就有很的因素在其中. 但也不是全部的人都是这样的. 凡事都是因人而异的.

Conclusion :
Admire will lead to love, once there is a close connection and a long period of time. But it will never can be jump from admire to love, it need to went through like process to understand the person more well. After that, only you show up your love. So, guys... Dont ever simply tell a girl that you love her.. IS FAKE!!


oo said...

wah... reli special thesis..
thesis in chinese 1...=p

Sherly said...

eh... copyright please.. i search info, search until ver kolian de neh.. u copy paste pula.. u should help me promote my blog.. ask them go c my blog mah.. haiyo...

JC said...

aiyo. sherly. i did promote your link wo. i wrote a special notice in front the post entry stating that's not my works. was my ex-housemates idea!! lol...hahha